Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel User Manual

Page 236

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The trackball Lift, Gamma, and Gain controls are displayed as vertical colored bars with Red, Green and
Blue values for each. Adjacent to the colored bars is the Luminance value grey bar. These controls are
on the left of the panel trackballs, one each for Lift, Gamma, and Gain Luminance level.

On the right side of the right most trackball there are also three controls. The first pot adjusts the
Saturation of the isolated area, the second pot is a Hue control and the third pot adjusts the Luminance
mix control. Each of these controls mirror the horizontal sliders on the Primary tab. You can select them
with your mouse and adjust or reset any control with a mouse click on the value adjacent to the slider.

To the right of the Color Level displays are the Offset controls and display. You can grade material by
using printer light steps using the offset up and down buttons.
