Trace (+state) – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Trace (+State)

The Recall Trace (+State) menu lets you choose a register or file from which to recall the
Trace+State state file. 

A saved state contains all of the settings and data required to return the analyzer as closely as
possible to the exact setup it had when the save occurred. This includes the Input/Output
settings, even though they are outside of the Mode’s state, because they are needed to restore the
complete setup. A Trace+State file also includes trace data from one trace or all traces, which will
load in View mode when the Trace+State file is recalled.  Recall Trace (+State) will also cause a
mode switch if the state being recalled is not for the current active mode.

After the recall completes, the message "File <filename> recalled" or “Recalled Trace Register
<register number>” is displayed.

For rapid recalls, the Trace (+State) menu lists 5 registers to choose from to recall.  Pressing a
Register key initiates the recall.  You can also select a file from which to recall.

The default path for all State Files including .trace files is:

My Documents\<mode name>\state

where <mode name> is the parameter used to select the mode with the INST:SEL command (for
example, SA for the Spectrum Analyzer).

Key Path




Remote Command


| TRACE6,<integer>


MMEM:LOAD:TRAC TRACE2, "MyTraceFile.trace"

This loads the trace file data (on the default file directory path) into the specified trace; if it is a
"single trace" save file, that trace is loaded to trace 2, andis set to be not updating.


restores the trace data in register 2 to Trace 1


When you perform the recall, the  recalling Trace function must first verify the file is recallable
in this instrument by checking instrument software version and model number, since it includes
State. If everything matches, a full recall proceeds by aborting the currently running
measurement, and loading the state from the saved state file to as close as possible to the
context in which the save occurred. You can open .trace files from any mode that supports them,
so recalling a Trace file switches to the mode that was active when the save occurred. After
switching to the mode of the saved state file, mode settings and data (if any for the mode) are
loaded with values from the saved file and the saved measurement of the mode becomes the
newly active measurement, and the data relevant to the measurement (if there is any) is


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference
