Table elements, Inline-level elements, Special inline-level elements – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

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Accessibility, tags, and reflow

Last updated 1/14/2015


Table of contents item element. An item contained in a list associated with a table of contents element.

Table elements

Table elements are special elements for structuring tables.


Table element. A two-dimensional arrangement of data or text cells that contains table row elements as child

elements and may have a caption element as its first or last child element.


Table row element. One row of headings or data in a table; may contain table header cell elements and table data

cell elements.


Table data cell element. A table cell that contains nonheader data.


Table header cell element. A table cell that contains header text or data describing one or more rows or columns of

a table.

Inline-level elements

Inline-level elements identify a span of text that has specific formatting or behavior. They are differentiated from block-
level elements. Inline-level elements may be contained in or contain block-level elements.


Bibliography entry element. A description of where some cited information may be found.


Quote entry element. An inline portion of text that is attributed to someone other than the author of the text

surrounding it; different from a block quote, which is a whole paragraph or multiple paragraphs, as opposed to inline


Span entry element. Any inline segment of text; commonly used to delimit text that is associated with a set of

styling properties.

Special inline-level elements

Similar to inline-level elements, special inline-level elements describe an inline portion of text that has special
formatting or behavior.


Code entry element. Computer program text embedded within a document.


Figure entry element. A graphic or graphic representation associated with text.


Form entry element. A PDF form annotation that can be or has been filled out.


Formula entry element. A mathematical formula.


Link entry element. A hyperlink that is embedded within a document. The target can be in the same document,

in another PDF document, or on a website.


Note entry element. Explanatory text or documentation, such as a footnote or endnote, that is referred to in the

main body of text.


Reference entry element. A citation to text or data that is found elsewhere in the document.

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