13 web server monitor, Apache server, Configuring the apache server – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 403: Adding an apache server application monitor

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13 Web server monitor

This chapter describes how to add/modify certain types of application monitor and the details of

application monitor reports.

Apache server

As a stable, powerful, open-source Web server, Apache is widely used in the Internet.
APM can monitor Apache 2.x. This section describes how to add/modify an Apache server application

monitor and the details of Apache server application monitor reports.

Configuring the Apache server

APM monitors an Apache server through the Web service port (TCP 80 by default) of the Apache server.

To use APM to monitor the Apache server, make sure the Apache server is loaded with the status module

To configure the Apache server and make the server correctly load the status module:


Use a text editor to open the Apache configuration file, http.conf.


Remove the number sign (#) in the front of the line displaying:

LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so.


Add the following segment to the end of the configuration file:

<location /server-status>

SetHandler server-status

Order Deny,Allow

Allow from all


ExtendedStatus On

If the configuration segment already exists in the configuration file, remove the number sign (#) in
the front of the configuration segment, and modify the configuration segment into the segment



Save the configuration file, and restart the Apache server.

Adding an Apache server application monitor

When you add Apache server application monitors for an Apache server, follow these guidelines:

Make sure the Apache server is loaded with the status module (mod_status.so). For information on
configuring the Apache server and making the server load the status module, see "

Configuring the

Apache server


Add Apache server hosts to the IMC platform so APM can obtain and display network connections
of the hosts and their access devices in the application topology. For more information about
adding hosts to the IMC platform, see H3C IMC Base Platform Administrator Guide.
