H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 719

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Modify the following parameters:


IP Address—Cannot be modified.


Name—Enter a unique application monitor name. H3C recommends naming the application
monitor as Application name_HP MSA P2000 storage device IP address.


Use Template—Select Enable or Disable from the list.


Template—Click the

Configure link next to the Template field to select an existing template.

The Template field is automatically populated with the name of the selected template. For more

information about configuring application templates, see "

6 Configuration management

." This

field appears only when you select Enable from the Use Template list.


Description—Enter a description for the application monitor.


Application Monitor Port—Port used to monitor the application. The default value is 5989. This
field is available only when you select Disable from the Use Template list.


Polling Interval (min)—Select a polling interval for the application monitor. Available options
include 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, and 30. The default polling interval is 5 minutes. A shorter polling

interval provides more accurate real-time data but consumes more system resources. This field is

available only when you select Disable from the Use Template list.


Username/Password—Enter the username and password of the user who has the monitor

privilege on the HP MSA P2000. The fields are available only when you select Disable from the
Use Template list.


SSL—Select Enable or Disable from the list. If you select Enable, APM accesses the HP MSA
P2000 storage device through HTTPS. If you select Disable, APM accesses the HP MSA P2000

storage device through HTTP.


Namespace—Enter the namespace for the SMI-S interface of the HP MSA P2000 storage
device. The default value is /root/hpq. This field is available only when you select Disable from

the Use Template list.


Contact—Enter the contact information, such as name, email address, and telephone number.
The default is the username of the operator who created the application monitor. This field is

available only when you select Disable from the Use Template list.


Related Applications—Click Add next to this filed. On the Select Application dialog box that
appears, select the application that the HP MSA P2000 storage device depends on.

Enter the complete or part of the application monitor name in the Search field at the top of
the page, and click Search.

Select the application that the HP MSA P2000 storage device depends on.

Click OK.

Operating system applications, such as Windows, AIX, SCO UNIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
HP-UX, Solaris, Mac OS, and Linux, cannot be selected. Operators can view all dependencies

of the application in the dependency topology.
To remove the relationship between HP MSA P2000 and the specified application, select the

application in the Related Applications field, and then click Delete.


Detect Application—Select this parameter if you want to enable application detection. APM
verifies the application connectivity by using the previous parameter settings, and adds the

application monitor only when it can connect to the application. If you do not select this

parameter, APM adds the application monitor without verifying the application connectivity.


Click OK.
