Filtering devices by view, Filtering devices by advanced query – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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Figure 7 Selecting devices

Filtering devices by view


In the Query Conditions area, click the By View tab.


Click the Expand icon to the left of the IP view, device view, or custom view, and then select a
All devices in the subview are displayed in the Devices Found area.

Filtering devices by advanced query


In the Query Conditions area, click the Advanced tab.


Specify one or more of the following query criteria:


Device IP—Enter an IPv4 address of the device.
If Exact Query is selected, enter a complete IPv4 address.
If Exact Query is not selected, enter a partial or complete IPv4 address. For example, if you
enter 192.168, all devices whose IP addresses contain 192.168 are queried.


Device IP List—Specify multiple IP addresses to be queried.
Click the Device IP List Configuration icon . The Device IP List Configuration window

appears. Enter one or multiple device IP addresses in the Input Device IP field (To enter multiple

IP addresses, enter one IP address on each line), and click Add to add the entered IP addresses
to the Device IP List field. Repeat the steps above to add all device IP addresses to be queried.

To delete an IP address in the Device IP List field, select the IP address and click Delete. Click

OK to complete the operation. Make sure the device IP addresses to be queried have been

added to the Device IP List field. To clear the Device IP List field, click the Clear icon .


Device Label—Enter a partial or complete device label. For example, if you enter db, all devices
whose device labels contain db are queried.
