Yaskawa MP2200 Machine Controller User Manual

Page 168

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4 Motion Parameters

4.3.3 Motion Monitoring Parameter Details




Bit 8

Excessive Speed

This bit turns ON when a speed is set that exceeds the setting range for the speed reference.
OFF: Speed normal
ON: Excessive speed

Bit 9

Excessively Following Error

This bit turns ON if the following error exceeds the value set for the Deviation Abnormal Detection
Value (setting parameter OL††22) when an excessively Following Error is set to be treated as an
alarm by setting the Deviation Abnormal Detection Error Level to 0 in Mode 1 (setting parameter
OW††01, bit 0).
OFF: In normal deviation range
ON: Abnormal deviation detected

Bit A

Filter Type Change Error

This bit turns ON if the filter type is changed while the pulses are still distributing.
OFF: No change error
ON: Change error occurred

Bit B

Filter Time Constant Change Error

This bit turns ON if the filter time constant is changed when the pulses are still distributing.
OFF: No change error
ON: Change error occurred

Bit D

Zero Point Not Set

This bit turns ON if a move command (except for JOG or STEP) is performed when an infinite length
axis is set and the zero point has not been set.
OFF: Zero point set
ON: Zero point not set error

Bit E

Zero Point Set during Travel

This bit turns ON if the zero point is set during axis moving.
OFF: Zero point not set during travel
ON: Zero point set during travel

Bit F

Servo Driver Parameter Setting Error

This bit turns ON if a failure occurs while changing MECHATROLINK Servo parameter settings.
OFF: User parameters changed normally
ON: Changing user parameters failed

Bit 10

Servo Driver Synchronization Communication Error

This bit turns ON if a synchronization communication error is detected with the SERVOPACK for
MECHATROLINK communication.
OFF: No synchronization communication error
ON: Synchronization communication error

Bit 11

Servo Driver Communication Error

This bit turns ON if two communication errors are detected consecutively in communication with the
OFF: No consecutive synchronization communication error
ON: Consecutive synchronization communication errors

Bit 12

Servo Driver Command Timeout Error

This bit turns ON if a command sent to the SERVOPACK for MECHATROLINK communication is
not completed within a specific amount of time.

Bit 13

ABS Encoder Count Exceeded

This bit turns ON if the number of turns from the absolute encoder exceeds the range that the SVB-01
Module can handle. This parameter is valid when using an absolute encoder and a finite-length axis.
This bit also turns ON if the result of the operation converting the current position to reference units
when the power is turned ON exceeds 32 bits.
OFF: In count range
ON: Outside count range

Bit 1E

SERVOPACK Motor Type Mismatch

OFF: Motor type matches
ON: Motor type does not match


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