H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 499

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Violation Type—All violation items that the iNode client detects.

Performing a basic query for authentication violation logs


Access the authentication violation log list page.


Click Basic Query at the upper right of the page.
If Advanced Query is at the upper right of the page, you are already in basic query mode. Skip this


In the Query Authentication Violation Logs area, enter or select one or more of the following query


Account Name—Enter an access account name string that is used when the authentication
violation occurs. UAM supports fuzzy matching for this field. For example, if you enter jack, all

authentication violation log entries for the account names containing jack are matched.


Violation Time From/To—Set a time range to match the violation events that occurred within this
specific time range. Enter a time range or click the Calendar icon to select one. The date and

time settings must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.

Empty fields are ignored.


Click Query.
The authentication violation log list displays all authentication violation logs that match the query


To clear the query criteria, click Reset.
The authentication violation log list displays all authentication violation logs.

Performing an advanced query for authentication violation logs


Access the authentication violation log list page.


Click the Advanced Query link at the upper right of the page.
If Basic Query is at the upper right of the page, you are already in advanced query mode. Skip this


In the Query Authentication Violation Logs area, enter or select one or more of the following query


Account Name—Enter an access account name string that is used when the authentication
violation occurs. UAM supports fuzzy matching for this field. For example, if you enter jack, the

authentication violation log entries for the access account names containing jack are matched.


Login Name—Enter a login name string of the account that is used when the authentication
violation occurs. UAM supports fuzzy matching for this field. For example, if you enter bob, the

authentication violation log entries for the login names containing bob are matched.


Violation Time From/To—Set a time range to match the violation events that occurred within this
specific time range. Enter a time range or click the Calendar icon to select one. The date and

time settings must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.


User IP Address Range From/To—Enter an IPv4 address range to match access users that
violated the detection items. Enter a complete IPv4 addresses in each field.


User MAC Address—Enter a MAC address string to match access users that violated the
detection items. UAM supports fuzzy matching for this field. For example, if you enter ac, all

authentication violation log entries for the user MAC addresses containing ac are matched.


User IPv6 Address—Enter a partial or complete IPv6 address to match access users.


Violation Type—Select the violation type from the list.
