Yaskawa DR2 Sigma Servo User Manual

Page 508

background image



machine rigidity, 189

selection, 192

magnetic contactor, 26

dimensional drawings, 375
internal connection diagram, 375
specifications, 375

maintenance, 388, 389

Servomotors, 388
Servopacks, 389

MCCB, 26, 141, 142, 373

mechanical tolerance, 231

memory switches

See , user constants

MITSUBISHI Positioning Unit AD71 (B Type), con-

nection example, 36

MITSUBISHI Positioning Unit AD72, connection

example, 35

mode selection, Digital Operators, 172

mode switch, 122

detection points

error pulse, 125
motor acceleration, 124
speed reference, 124
torque reference, 123

molded-case circuit breaker

See , MCCB

monitor mode, 179


checking, Digital Operator, 186
operation, Digital Operator, 186
type check, 201


N-OT input signal, 55


Servomotor, 18
Servopacks, 19

noise control, 17

filter, 26, 141

dimensional diagrams, 374
installation, 144
specifications, 374

wiring, 142


OMRON Position Control Unit C500-NC112, connec-

tion example, 34

OMRON Position Control Unit C500-NC222, connec-

tion example, 33

order lists, 341
output phase, form, 77

absolute encoder, 77
incremental encoder, 77

output signal terminals

alarm code output, 129
brake interlock output, 111
encoder output, 77, 78
frame ground, 78
output signal ground common, 81
positioning complete output, 133
running output, 136
servo alarm output, 129
signal ground for alarm code output, 129
signal ground for encoder output, 78
signal ground for servo alarm output, 129
speed coincide output, 134
torque limit output, 58

overhanging load

precautions, 17
Servomotors, 246

overload, characteristics, Servopacks, 239

forward, 54
reverse, 54

overtravel limit function, 54

limit switch, 54


P-CON Signal, meaning, 68
P-OT input signal, 55
peripheral devices

selection, 335

flowchart, 336

specifications, 349
wiring, 25

personal computer, 27
Position Control, illustration, 14
Position Control Mode, 11
position references, inputs, 69

line driver output, 69

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