Fair-queue <threshold – ADTRAN 1000R Series User Manual

Page 1066

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Command Reference Guide

PPP Interface Configuration Command Set


Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN


fair-queue <threshold>

Use the fair-queue command to enable weighted fair queuing (WFQ) on an interface. Use the no form of
this command to disable WFQ and enable FIFO queueing for an interface. WFQ is enabled by default for
WAN interfaces.

Syntax Description


Optional. Specifies the maximum number of packets that can be present in each
conversation sub-queue. Packets received for a conversation after this limit is
reached are discarded. Range: 16 to 512 packets.

Default Values

By default, fair-queue is enabled with a threshold of 64 packets.

Applicable Platforms

This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900
Series units.

Command History

Release 5.1

Command was introduced.

Usage Examples

The following example enables WFQ on the interface with a threshold set at 100 packets:

(config)#interface ppp 1

(config-ppp 1)#fair-queue 100
