Encapsulation [aal5mux | aal5snap – ADTRAN 1000R Series User Manual

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Command Reference Guide

ATM Sub-Interface Config Command Set


Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN


encapsulation [aal5mux | aal5snap]

Use the encapsulation command to configure the encapsulation type for the ATM Adaption Layer (AAL)
of the ATM Protocol Reference Model.

Variations of this command include the following:

encapsulation aal5mux [ip | ppp]

encapsulation aal5snap

Syntax Description


Specifies encapsulation type for multiplexed virtual circuits. A protocol must be



Specifies encapsulation type that supports LLC/SNAP protocols.

[ip | ppp]

Specifies protocol type used for multiplexed virtual circuits (aal5mux).

Default Values

By default, the encapsulation type is aal5snap.

Applicable Platforms

This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 3000, and 4000 Series units.

Command History

Release 8.1

Command was introduced.

Functional Notes

For PPP and PPoE, the encapsulation type can be aal5snap or aal5mux ppp.

For IP with no bridging, the encapsulation type can be aal5snap or aal5mux ip.

For IP with bridging, the encapsulation type can only be aal5snap.

For bridging, the encapsulation type can only be aal5snap.

Usage Examples

The following example sets the encapsulation type to all5snap:

(config)#interface atm 1.1

(config-atm 1.1)#encapsulation aal5snap
