Reset – ADTRAN 1000R Series User Manual

Page 1170

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Command Reference Guide

VLAN Database Configuration Command Set


Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN



Use the reset command to discard all changes made and revert to the previous configuration. The prompt
remains in the VLAN Database.

Syntax Description

No subcommands.

Default Values

No defaults necessary for this setting.

Applicable Platforms

This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000, 1000R, and 2000 Series units.

Command History

Release 5.1

Command was introduced.

Functional Notes

The reset command discards all changes to the VLAN configuration. The configuration remains the same
as it was prior to entering the VLAN Database Configuration (or since the last time you issued the apply
command). The VLAN Database reverts to the same state it had upon entry. See the command



page 1169

for more information.

Usage Examples

The following example resets the unit to the previous configuration (i.e., the last configuration saved using
the apply or the exit command):

(config)#vlan database


VLAN configuration has been reset.

