Bonding txfa-timer <seconds – ADTRAN 1000R Series User Manual

Page 570

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Command Reference Guide

BRI Interface Configuration Command set


Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN


bonding txfa-timer <seconds>

Use the bonding txfa-timer command to specify the value (in seconds) for the frame pattern detection
timeout. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint allots for attempting to detect the
bonding frame pattern (when a call is connected) before considering the bonding
negotiation a failure.

Default Values

By default, the bonding txfa-timer value is 10 seconds.

Applicable Platforms

This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, and 4000 Series units.

Command History

Release 1.1

Command was introduced.

Functional Notes

Specifies the length of time both endpoints attempt to detect the bonding frame pattern when a call is
connected before deciding the bonding call has failed. When operating with other manufacturers' bonding
equipment, it may be necessary to change this time so that it matches TXADD01.

Usage Examples

The following example defines a bonding txfa-timer value of 15 seconds:

(config)#interface bri 1/2

(config-bri 1/2)#bonding txfa-timer 15
